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Volume 23, Number 3, March 2019

The use of recycled aggregate concrete for the purpose of environmental and resource conservation has gained increasing interest in construction engineering. Nevertheless, few studies have reported on the bonding performance of the bars in recycled aggregate concrete after exposed to high temperatures. In this paper, 72 pull-out specimens and 36 cubic specimens with different recycled coarse aggregate content (i.e., 0%, 50%,100%) were cast to evaluate the bond behavior between recycled aggregate concrete and steel bar after various temperatures (20oC, 200oC, 400oC, 600oC). The results show that the recycled aggregate concrete pull-out specimens exhibited similar bond stress-slip curves at both ambient and high temperature. The bond strength declined gradually with the increase of the temperature. On the basis of a regression analysis of the experimental data, a revised bond strength mode and peak slip ratios relationship model were proposed to predict the post-heating bond-slip behavior between recycled aggregate concrete and steel bar.

Key Words
high temperature ; concrete; bond strength ; pull-out ; peak slip

Lan-Lan Yan: Faculty of Science, East China University of Technology, Nanchang, P.R. China
Jiong-Feng Liang: Faculty of Civil & Architecture Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang, P.R. China; Department of Architecture, Kanagawa University, Kanagawa, Japan
Yan-gang Zhao: Department of Architecture, Kanagawa University, Kanagawa, Japan

This paper aims at presenting a numerical method for estimating the elastic modulus of recycled concrete with crushed aggregates. In the method, polygonal aggregates following a given sieve curve are generated, and placed into a square simulation element with the aid of the periodic boundary condition and the overlap criterion of two polygonal aggregates. The mesostructure of recycled concrete is reconstructed by embedding an old interfacial transition zone (ITZ) layer inside each recycled aggregate and by coating all the aggregates with a new ITZ layer. The square simulation element is discretized into a regular grid and a representative point is selected from each sub-element. The iterative method is combined with the fast Fourier transform to evaluate the elastic modulus of recycled concrete. After the validity of the numerical method is verified with experimental results, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to evaluate the effects of key factors on the elastic modulus of recycled concrete. Numerical results show that the elastic modulus of recycled concrete increases with the increase of the total aggregate content and the elastic moduli of old and new ITZ but decreases with increasing the replacement ratio of recycled aggregate and the thicknesses of old and new ITZ. It is also shown that, for a replacement ratio of recycled aggregate smaller than 0.3, the elastic modulus of recycled concrete is reduced by no more than 10%.

Key Words
recycled concrete; elastic modulus; recycled aggregate; fast Fourier transform; crushed aggregate

Xinzhu Zhou, Jianjun Zheng, Ting Chen, Jian Zhang, Chuanyang Wang and Jiefeng Wu: School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, P.R. China

This study proposed a new and efficient 2D damage-plasticity model within the framework of Isogeometric analysis (IGA) for the geometrically nonlinear damage analysis of concrete. Since concrete exhibits complicated material properties, two internal variables are introduced to measure the hardening/softening behavior of concrete in tension and compression, and an implicit gradient-enhanced formulation is adopted to restore the well-posedness of the boundary value problem. The numerical results calculated by the model is compared with the experimental data of three benchmark problems of plain concrete (threepoint and four-point bending single-notched beams and four-point bending double-notched beam) to illustrate the geometrical flexibility, accuracy, and robustness of the proposed approach. In addition, the influence of the characteristic length on the numerical results of each problem is investigated.

Key Words
damaged plasticity model; concrete; isogeometric analysis; implicit gradient-enhanced formulation; characteristic length

Jun Xu, Shuai Yuan and Weizhen Chen: Department of Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Recent advances in the concrete technology are aiding in minimizing the use of conventional materials by substituting by-products of various industries and energy sources. A large amount of stone waste i.e., dust and slurry form both are being originated during natural stone processing and causing deadily effects on the environment. The disposal problem of stone waste can be resolved effectively by using waste in construction industries. In present work, Kota stone slurry powder, as a substitution of cement was used along with accelerators namely calcium nitrate and triethanolamine as additives, to study their impact on various properties of the concrete mixtures. Kota stone slurry powder (7.5%), calcium nitrate (1%) and triethanolamine (0.05%) were used separately as well in combination in different concrete mixtures. Mechanical Strength, modulus of elasticity and electrical resistivity of concrete specimens of different mix proportions under water curing were studied experimentally. The durability properties in terms of strength and electrical resistivity against sulphate and chloride solution attack at various curing ages were also studied experimentally. Results showed that accelerators and Kota stone slurry powder separately enhanced the mechanical strength and electrical resistivity; but, their combination decreased strength at all curing ages. The durability of concrete specimens was also affected under the exposure to chemical attack too. Kota stone slurry powder found to be the most effective material among all materials. Material characterization was also done to study the microstructural properties.

Key Words
Kota stone slurry powder; accelerators; mechanical strength; electrical resistivity; resistance against chemical attack; cost analysis

Kiran Devi, Babita Saini and Paratibha Aggarwal: Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136119, India

Precast reinforced concrete structure (PRCS) consists of prefabricated members assembled at worksites and has more connections limitations in comparison with the equivalent in-situ reinforced concrete structure (IRCS). As a result of these limitations, PRCSs have less ductility in comparison with IRCSs. Recent studies indicate that the most noticeable failure in PRCSs have occurred in their connection zone. The objective of this study is introducing a type of precast beam-to-column connection (PBC) which in spite of being simple is of the same efficiency and performance as in-situ beam-to-column connection (IBC). To achieve this, the performance of proposed new PBC at exterior joint of a four story PRCS was analyzed by pseudo dynamic analysis and compared with that of IBC in equivalent IRCS. Results indicated that the proposed connection has even better performance in terms of strength, energy dissipation and stiffness, than that of IBC.

Key Words
finite element analysis, precast connection, beam-to-column connection, precast structure

Jamshid Esmaeili and Neyram Ahooghalandary: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, 29 Bahman Avenue, Iran

This paper describes the numerical modelling of an interior slab-column connection to investigate the punching shear resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs under fire conditions. Parameters of the study were the fire direction, flexural reinforcement ratio, load levels, shear reinforcement and compressive strength of concrete. Moreover, the efficiency of the insulating material, gypsum, in reducing the heat transferred to the slab was assessed. Validation studies were conducted comparing the simulation results to experiments from the literature and common codes of practice. Temperature dependencies of both concrete and reinforcing steel bars were considered in thermo-mechanical analyses. Results showed that there is a slight difference in temperature endurance of various models with respect to concrete with different compressive strengths. It was also concluded that compared to a slab without gypsum, 10-mm and 20-mm thick gypsum reduce the maximum heat transferred to the slab by 45.8% and 70%, respectively. Finally, it was observed that increasing the flexural reinforcement ratio changes the failure mode from flexural punching to brittle punching in most cases.

Key Words
punching shear; fire; RC slab; temperature-dependent properties

Hamed Sadaghian and Masood Farzam: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

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