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Volume 21, Number 5, November 2015


Key Words


In recent years, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has become a competitive computing technology in comparison with the standard Central Processing Unit (CPU) technology due to reduced unit cost, energy and computing time. This paper describes the derivation and implementation of GPU-based algorithms for the analysis of wind loading uncertainty on high-rise systems, in line with the research field of probability-based wind engineering. The study begins by presenting an application of the GPU technology to basic linear algebra problems to demonstrate advantages and limitations. Subsequently, Monte-Carlo integration and synthetic generation of wind turbulence are examined. Finally, the GPU architecture is used for the dynamic analysis of three high-rise structural systems under uncertain wind loads. In the first example the fragility analysis of a single degree-of-freedom structure is illustrated. Since fragility analysis employs sampling-based Monte Carlo simulation, it is feasible to distribute the evaluation of different random parameters among different GPU threads and to compute the results in parallel. In the second case the fragility analysis is carried out on a continuum structure, i.e., a tall building, in which double integration is required to evaluate the generalized turbulent wind load and the dynamic response in the frequency domain. The third example examines the computation of the generalized coupled wind load and response on a tall building in both along-wind and cross-wind directions. It is concluded that the GPU can perform computational tasks on average 10 times faster than the CPU.

Key Words
wind engineering; parallel computing; GPU computing; uncertainty quantification; performance- based wind engineering; tall buildings

Wei Cui and Luca Caracoglia: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University,
360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA

This paper surveys and complements contributions by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to techniques ensuring that the wind tunnel procedure for the design of high-rise structures is based on sound methods and allows unambiguous inter-laboratory comparisons. Developments that enabled substantial advances in these techniques include: Instrumentation for simultaneously measuring pressures at multiple taps; time-domain analysis methods for estimating directional dynamic effects; creation of large simulated extreme directional wind speed data sets; non-parametric methods for estimating mean recurrence intervals (MRIs) of Demand-to-Capacity Indexes (DCIs); and member sizing based on peak DCIs with specified MRIs. To implement these advances changes are needed in the traditional division of tasks between wind and structural engineers. Wind engineers should provide large sets of directional wind speeds, pressure coefficient time series, and estimates of uncertainties in wind speeds and pressure coefficients. Structural engineers should perform the dynamic analyses, estimates of MRIs of wind effects, sensitivity studies, and iterative sizing of structural members. The procedure is transparent, eliminates guesswork inherent in frequency domain methods and due to the lack of pressure measurements, and enables structural engineers to be in full control of the structural design for wind.

Key Words
aerodynamics; design; high-rise buildings; micrometeorology; structural dynamics; structural engineering; wind climate; wind engineering; wind tunnel procedure; wind tunnel testing

Emil Simiuand DongHun Yeo: Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20852, USA

A general approach of aerodynamic optimization of tall buildings is presented in this paper, focusing on how to best compromise wind issues with other design aspects in the most efficient manner. The given approach is reinforced by establishing an empirical method that can quickly assess the across-wind loads and accelerations as a function of building frequencies, building dimensions, aspect ratios, depth-to-width ratios, and site exposures. Effects of corner modifications, including chamfered corner and recessed corner, can also be assessed in early design stages. Further, to assess the effectiveness of optimization by tapering, stepping or twisting building elevations, the authors introduce a method that takes use of sectional aerodynamic data derived from a simple wind tunnel pressure testing to estimate reductions on overall wind loads and accelerations for various optimization options, including tapering, stepping, twisting and/or their combinations. The advantage of the method is to considerably reduce the amount of wind tunnel testing efforts and speed up the process in finding the optimized building configurations.

Key Words
tall building design; aerodynamic optimization; shape modifications; across-wind response; wind tunnel tests

Zhendong Xu and Jiming Xie: Zhejiang University, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Hangzhou 310058, China

To study the vibration frequency of super high-rise buildings in the process of vortex induced vibration (VIV), wind tunnel tests of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) aero-elastic models were carried out to measure the vibration frequency of the system directly. The effects of structural damping, wind field category, mass density, reduced wind velocity (Vr), as well as VIV displacement on the VIV frequency were investigated systematically. It was found that the frequency drift phenomenon cannot be ignored when the building is very high and flexible. When Vr is less than 8, the drift magnitude of the frequency is typically positive. When Vr is close to the critical wind velocity of resonance, the frequency drift magnitude becomes negative and reaches a minimum at the critical wind velocity. When Vr is larger than12, the frequency drift magnitude almost maintains a stable value that is slightly smaller than the fundamental frequency of the aero-elastic model. Furthermore, the vibration frequency does not lock in the vortex shedding frequency completely, and it can even be significantly modified by the vortex shedding frequency when the reduced wind velocity is close to 10.5.

Key Words
super high-rise building; vortex-induced vibration; multi-degree-of-freedom model; aerodynamic stiffness; frequency drift phenomenon

Lei Wang: School of Civil &Building Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;
School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
Shuguo Liang, Jie Song and Shuliang Wang: School of Civil &Building Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Excessive motions in buildings cause occupants to become uncomfortable and nervous. This is particularly detrimental to the tenants and ultimately the owner of the building, with respect to financial considerations. Serviceability issues, such as excessive accelerations and inter-story drifts, are more prevalent today due to advancements in the structural systems, strength of materials, and design practices. These factors allow buildings to be taller, lighter, and more flexible, thereby exacerbating the impact of dynamic responses. There is a growing need for innovative and effective techniques to reduce the serviceability responses of these tall buildings. The current study considers a case study of a real building to show the effectiveness and robustness of the TLD in reducing the coupled lateral-torsional motion of this high-rise building under wind loading. Three unique multi-modal TLD systems are designed specifically to mitigate the torsional response of the building. A procedure is developed to analyze a structure-TLD system using High Frequency Force Balance (HFFB) test data from the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory (BLWTL) at the University of Western Ontario. The effectiveness of the unique TLD systems is investigated. In addition, a parametric study is conducted to determine the robustness of the systems in reducing the serviceability responses. Three practical parameters are varied to investigate the robustness of the TLD system: the height of water inside the tanks, the amplitude modification factor, and the structural modal frequencies.

Key Words
vibration control; tuned liquid dampers; high-rise buildings; wind tunnel tests; sloshing motion

Andrew S. Ross and Ashraf A. El Damatty : Depratment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
Ayman M. El Ansary: Depratment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada;
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

In recent years, high-rise buildings received a renewed interest as a means by which technical and economic advantages can be achieved, especially in areas of high population density. Taller and taller buildings are being built worldwide. These types of buildings present an asset and typically are built not to fail under wind loadings. The increase in a building\'s height results in increased flexibility, which can lead to significant vibrations, especially at top floors. Such oscillations can magnify the overall loads and can be annoying to the top floors\' occupants. This paper shows that increased stiffness in high-rise buildings may not be a feasible solution and may not be used for the design for comfort and serviceability. High-rise buildings are unique, and a vibration control system for a certain building may not be suitable for another. Even for the same building, its behavior in the two lateral directions can be different. For this reason, the current study addresses the application of hybrid tuned mass and magneto-rheological (TM/MR) dampers that can work for such types of buildings. The proposed control scheme shows its effectiveness in reducing floors\' accelerations for both comfort and serviceability concerns. Also, a dissipative analysis carried out shows that the MR dampers are working within the possible range of optimum performance. In addition, the design loads are dramatically reduced, creating more resilient and sustainable buildings. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate, shape, and communicate ideas for emerging control technologies that are essential for solving wind related problems in high-rise buildings, with the objective to build the more resilient and sustainable infrastructure and to optimally retrofit existing structures.

Key Words
high-rise buildings; wind-induced vibration; robust control; tuned mass damper; magneto-rheological damper; semi-active control; dissipative analysis

Aly Mousaad Aly: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, 3513D Patrick Taylor Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA

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