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Volume 25, Number 6, June 2020

Active control of nonlinear vibration of stiffened functionally graded (SFG) cylindrical shell is studied in this paper. The system is subjected to axial and transverse periodic loads in the presence of thermal uncertainty. The material composition is considered to be continuously graded in the thickness direction, also these properties depend on temperature. The relations of straindisplacement are derived based on the classical shell theory and the von Kármán equations. For modeling the stiffeners on the cylindrical shell surface, the smeared stiffener technique is used. The Galerkin method is used to discretize the partial differential equations of motion. Some comparisons are made to validate the SFG model. For suppression of the nonlinear vibration, the linear and nonlinear control strategies are applied. For control objectives, the piezoelectric actuator is attached to the external surface of the shell and the thin ring piezoelectric sensor is attached to the middle internal surface of shell. The effect of PID, feedback linearization and sliding mode control on the suppression of vibration for SFG cylindrical shell is presented.

Key Words
nonlinear vibration; stiffened cylindrical shells; active control; functionally graded materials

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran.

A novel multistage approach is developed for structural model updating based on sensitivity ranking of the selected updating parameters. Modal energy-based sensitivities are formulated, and maximum-normalized indices are designed for sensitivity ranking. Based on the ranking strategy, a multistage approach is proposed, where these parameters to be corrected with similar sensitivity levels are updated simultaneously at the same stage, and the complete procedure continues sequentially at several stages, from large to small, according to the predefined levels of the updating parameters. At every single stage, a previously developed cross model cross mode (CMCM) method is used for structural model updating. The effectiveness and robustness of the multistage approach are investigated by implementing it on an offshore structure, and the performances are compared with nonmultistage approach using numerical and experimental vibration information. These results demonstrate that the multistage approach is more effective for structural model updating of offshore platform structures even with limited information and measured noise. These findings serve as a preliminary strategy for structural model updating of an offshore platform in service.

Key Words
multistage; sensitivity ranking; model updating; CMCM

(1) Yufeng Jiang, Shuqing Wang, Mingqiang Xu:
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Ocean University of China, 238 Songling Road, Qingdao City, China;
(2) Yingchao Li:
College of Civil Engineering, Ludong University, 186 Hongqi Middle Road, Yantai City, China.

This paper focuses on the free vibration analysis of axially functionally graded (FG) Euler-Bernoulli beams. The material properties of the beams are assumed to obey the linear law distribution. The complexities in solving differential equation of transverse vibration of composite beams which limit the analytical solution to some special cases are overcome using the Differential Transformation Method (DTM). Natural frequencies and corresponding normalized mode shapes are calculated. Validation targets are experimental data or finite element results. Different parameters such as reinforcement distribution, ratio of the reinforcement Young's modulus to the matrix Young's modulus and ratio of the reinforcement density to the matrix density are taken into investigation. The delivered results prove the capability and the robustness of the applied method. The studied parameters are demonstrated to be very crucial for the normalized natural frequencies and mode shapes.

Key Words
differential transformation method; functionally graded material; mode shape; natural frequency

(1) Abdellatif Selmi:
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering in Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 11942, Saudi Arabia;
(2) Abdellatif Selmi:
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT), Civil Engineering Laboratory, B.P. 37, Le belvédère 1002, Tunis, Tunisia.

To identify the bridge information from the response of test vehicles passing on it (also known as the indirect approach) has aroused the interest of many researchers thanks to its economy, easy implementation and less disruption to traffic. The surface roughness of bridge remains an obstacle for such method as it contaminates the vehicle response severely and thereby renders many vehicle-response-based bridge identification methods ineffective. This study aims to eliminate such effect with the responses of two different test vehicles. The proposed method can estimate the surface profile of a bridge based on the acceleration data of the vehicles running on the bridge successively, and obtain the normalized contact point response, which proves to be relatively immune to surface roughness. The frequencies and mode shapes of bridge can be further extracted from the normalized contact point acceleration with spectral analysis and Hilbert transform. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified numerically with a three-span continuous bridge. The influence of measurement noise is also examined.

Key Words
indirect approach; mode shape identification; normalized contact point acceleration; surface roughness

(1) Y. Zhan, F.T.K. Au, D. Yang:
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China;
(2) D. Yang:
Department of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China.

In the current investigation, large amplitude free vibration behavior of shallow curved pipes (tubes) made of functionally graded materials is investigated. Properties of the tube are distributed across the radius of the tube and are obtained by means of a power law function. It is also assumed that all thermo-mechanical properties are temperature dependent. The governing equations of the tube are obtained using a higher order shear deformation tube theory, where the traction free boundary conditions are satisfied on the top and bottom surfaces of the tube. The von Kármán type of geometrical non-linearity is included into the formulation to consider the large displacements and small strains. Uniform temperature elevation of the tube is also included into the formulation. For the case of tubes which are simply supported in flexure and axially immovable, the governing equations are solved using the two-step perturbation technique. Closed form expressions are provided to obtain the small and large amplitude fundamental natural frequencies of the FGM shallow curved tubes in thermal environment. Numerical results are given to explore the effects of thermal environment, radius ratio, and length to thickness ratio of the tube on the fundamental linear and non-linear frequencies.

Key Words
nonlinear free vibration; FGM; shallow curved tube; von Karman nonlinearity; two-step perturbation method; thermal environment

(1) Hadi Babaei:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran;
(2) Yaser Kiani:
Faculty of Engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran;
(3) M. Reza Eslami:
Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

In this paper, analysis of thermal post-buckling behaviors of sandwich nanobeams with two layers of multi-phase magneto-electro-thermo-elastic (METE) composites have been presented considering geometric imperfection effects. Multi-phase METE material is composed form piezoelectric and piezo-magnetic constituents for which the material properties can be controlled based on the percentages of the constituents. Nonlinear governing equations of sandwich nanobeam are derived based on nonlocal elasticity theory together with classic thin beam model and an analytical solution is provided. It will be shown that post-buckling behaviors of sandwich nanobeam in thermo-electro-magnetic field depend on the constituent's percentages. Buckling temperature of sandwich nanobeam is also affected by nonlocal scale factor, magnetic field intensity and electrical voltage.

Key Words
sandwich nanobeam; multi-phase composite; thermal post-buckling; piezoelectric reinforcement; nonlocal elasticity

Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage P.O. Box 46049, Bab-Muadum, Baghdad 10001, Iraq.

Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) which combines physical experiment with numerical simulation is an advanced method to investigate dynamic responses of structures subjected to earthquake excitation. The desired displacement computed from the numerical substructure is applied to the experimental substructure by a servo-hydraulic actuator in real time. However, the magnitude decay and phase delay resulted from the dynamics of the servo-hydraulic system affect the accuracy and stability of a RTHS. In this study, a robust stability analysis procedure for a general single-degree-of-freedom structure is proposed which considers the uncertainty of servo-hydraulic system dynamics. For discussion purposes, the experimental substructure is a portion of the entire structure in terms of a ratio of stiffness, mass, and damping, respectively. The dynamics of the servo-hydraulic system is represented by a multiplicative uncertainty model which is based on a nominal system and a weight function. The nominal system can be obtained by conducting system identification prior to the RTHS. A first-order weight function formulation is proposed which needs to cover the worst possible uncertainty envelope over the frequency range of interest. Then, the Nyquist plot of the perturbed system is adopted to determine the robust stability margin of the RTHS. In addition, three common delay compensation methods are applied to the RTHS loop to investigate the effect of delay compensation on the robust stability. Numerical simulation and experimental validation results indicate that the proposed procedure is able to obtain a robust stability margin in terms of mass, damping, and stiffness ratio which provides a simple and conservative approach to assess the stability of a RTHS before it is conducted.

Key Words
real-time hybrid simulation; system uncertainty; robust stability; delay compensation

Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, No.43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd., Taipei 10607, Taiwan.

This study presents a computer vision-based approach for representing time evolution of structural damages leveraging a database of inspection images. Spatially incoherent but temporally sorted archival images captured by robotic cameras are exploited to represent the damage evolution over a long period of time. An access to a sequence of time-stamped inspection data recording the damage growth dynamics is premised to this end. Identification of a structural defect in the most recent inspection data set triggers an exhaustive search into the images collected during the previous inspections looking for correspondences based on spatial proximity. This is followed by a view synthesis from multiple candidate images resulting in a single reconstruction for each inspection round. Cracks on concrete surface are used as a case study to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. Once the chronology is established, the damage severity is quantified at various levels of time scale documenting its progression through time. The proposed scheme enables the prediction of damage severity at a future point in time providing a scope for preemptive measures against imminent structural failure. On the whole, it is believed that the present study will immensely benefit the structural inspectors by introducing the time dimension into the autonomous condition assessment pipeline.

Key Words
damage chronology; vision-based inspection; autonomous condition assessment; UAV; civil infrastructures

(1) Tarutal Ghosh Mondal, Mohammad R. Jahanshahi:
Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA;
(2) Mohammad R. Jahanshahi:
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

Real-time monitoring of stiffness and strength in cement based system has received significant attention in past few decades owing to the development of advanced techniques. Also, use of environment friendly supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in cement, though gaining huge interest, severely affect the strength gain especially in early ages. Continuous monitoring of strength- and stiffness- gain using an efficient technique will systematically facilitate to choose the suitable time of removal of formwork for structures made with SCM incorporated concrete. This paper presents a technique for monitoring the strength and stiffness evolution in hydrating fly ash blended cement systems using electro-mechanical impedance (EMI) based technique. It is important to observe that the slower pozzolanic reactivity of fly ash blended cement systems could be effectively tracked using the evolution of equivalent local stiffness of the hydrating medium. Strength prediction models are proposed for estimating the strength and stiffness of the fly ash cement system, where curing age (in terms of hours/days) and the percentage replacement of cement by fly ash are the parameters. Evaluation of strength as obtained from EMI characteristics is validated with the results from destructive compression test and also compared with the same obtained from commonly used ultrasonic wave velocity (UPV). Statistical error indices indicate that the EMI technique is capable of predicting the strength of fly ash blended cement system more accurate than that from UPV. Further, the correlations between stiffness- and strength- gain over the time of hydration are also established. From the study, it is found that EMI based method can be effectively used for monitoring of strength gain in the fly ash incorporated cement system during hardening.

Key Words
impedance; hydration; fly ash blended cement; ultrasonics; strength gain; stiffness

Special and Multifunctional Structures Laboratory, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai-600113, India.

The present study intends to find a proper solution for the estimation of the physical behaviors of enlarged piles through a combination of small-scale laboratory tests and a hybrid computational predictive intelligence process. In the first step, experimental program is completed considering various critical influential factors. The results of the best multilayer perceptron (MLP)-based predictive network was implemented through three mathematical-based solutions of dragonfly algorithm (DA), whale optimization algorithm (WOA), and ant lion optimization (ALO). Three proposed models, after convergence analysis, suggested excellent performance. These analyses varied based on neurons number (e.g., in the basis MLP hidden layer) and of course, the level of its complexity. The training R2 results of the best hybrid structure of DA-MLP, WOA-MLP, and ALO-MLP were 0.996, 0.996, and 0.998 where the testing R2 was 0.995, 0.985, and 0.998, respectively. Similarly, the training RMSE of 0.046, 0.051, and 0.034 were obtained for the training and testing datasets of DA-MLP, WOA-MLP, and ALO-MLP techniques, while the testing RMSE of 0.088, 0.053, and 0.053, respectively. This obtained result demonstrates the excellent prediction from the optimized structure of the proposed models if only population sensitivity analysis performs. Indeed, the ALO-MLP was slightly better than WOA-MLP and DA-MLP methods.

Key Words
smart structures; enlarged piles; WOA-MLP; DA-MLP; ALO-MLP; multilayer perceptron

(1) Xinyu Ye:
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;
(2) Zongjie Lyu:
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam;
(3) Loke Kok Foong:
Department for Management of Science and Technology Development, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;
(4) Loke Kok Foong:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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