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Volume 21, Number 1, April10 2020

In this article, an analytical solution for the effect of the rotation on thermo-viscoelastic non-homogeneous medium with a spherical cavity subjected to periodic loading is studied. The distribution of displacements, temperature, redial stress, and hoop stress in non-homogeneous medium, in the context of generalized thermo-viscoelasticity using the GL theory, is discussed and obtained. The results are displayed graphically to illustrate the effect of the rotation. Comparisons with the previous work in the absence of rotation and viscosity are made.

Key Words
rotation; relaxation times; viscoelasticity; non-homogeneous; thermoelasticity

K.S. Al-Basyouni: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

E. Ghandourah: Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

H.M. Mostafa: Department Physics, Faculty of Science, Al -Azhar University Assiut Branch, Assiut, Egypt

Ali Algarni: Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The traditional formulations for estimation of bearing capacity in rock mechanics assume a homogeneous and isotropic rock mass. However, it is common that the rock mass consists of different layers of different rock properties or of the same rock matrix with distinct geotechnical quality levels. The bearing capacity of a heterogeneous rock is estimated traditionally through the weighted average. In this paper, the solution of the weighted average is compared to the finite difference method applied to a bilayer rock mass. The influence of different parameters such as the thickness of the layers, the rock type, the uniaxial compressive strength and the overall geotechnical quality of the rock mass on the bearing capacity of a bilayer rock mass is analyzed. A parametric study by finite difference method is carried out to develop a bearing capacity factor in function of the layer thickness and the rock mass quality expressed in terms of the geological strength index, which is presented in a form of a chart. Therefore, this correlation factor allows estimating the bearing capacity of a rock mass that is formed by two layers with distinct GSI, depending on the bearing capacity of the rock mass formed only by the upper layer and considered by that way as homogenous and isotropic rock mass.

Key Words
bearing capacity; bilayer; Hoek and Brown material; finite difference method; shallow foundation; GSI

Ana S. Alencar, Ruben A. Galindo: ETSI Caminos, C. y P., Technical University of Madrid (UPM), C/ Profesor Aranguren s/n, Madrid 28040, Spain

Svetlana Melentijevic: Faculty of Geology, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), C/ José Antonio Nováis n

An advancing cutting roof for gob-side entry retaining with no-pillar mining under specific geological conditions is more conducive to the safe and efficient production in a coalmine. This method is being promoted for use in a large number of coalmines because it has many advantages compared to the retaining method with an artificial filling wall as the gateway side filling body. In order to observe the inner structure of the gateway cutting roof and understand its stability mechanism, an equivalent material simulation experiment for a coalmine with complex geological conditions was carried out in this study. The results show that a \"self-stabilization bearing structure\" equilibrium model was found after the cutting roof caving when the cut line deviation angle was unequal to zero and the cut height was greater than the mining height, and the caving roof rock was hard without damage. The model showed that its stability was mainly controlled by two key blocks. Furthermore, in order to determine the optimal parameters of the cut height and the cut line deviation angle for the cutting roof of the retaining gateway, an in-depth analysis with theoretical mechanics and mine rock mechanics of the model was performed, and the relationship between the roof balance control force and the cut height and cut line deviation angle was solved. It was found that the selection of the values of the cut height and the cut line deviation angle had to conform to a certain principle that it should not only utilize the support force provided by the coal wall and the contact surface of the two key blocks but also prevent the failure of the coal wall and the contact surface.

Key Words
advancing cutting roof; gob-side entry retaining; hard roof; self-stabilization structure; mechanical model

Hongyun Yang: 1.) State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, 400074, China
2.) State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China

Yanbao Liu and Feng Luo: China Coal Technology Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute, Chongqing, 400039, China

Shugang Cao, Ruikai Pan, Hui Wang, Yong Li: State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China

In this study, the seismic response analysis of embankment dams was investigated through numerical modeling. The seismic behavior of dams under main earthquake records and wavelet-based records were studied. Earthquake records were decomposed using de-noising method (DNM) and down-sampling method (DSM) up to five levels. In decomposition process, low and high frequencies of the main earthquake record were separated into two signals. Acceleration response, spectral acceleration, and Fourier amplitude spectrum at the crest of embankment dams under different decomposition levels were evaluated. The seismic behavior under main and decomposed earthquake records was compared. The results indicate an acceptable agreement between the seismic responses of embankment dams under wavelet-based decomposed records and main earthquake motions. Dynamic analyses show that the DNM-based decomposed earthquake records have a better performance compared to DSM-based records. DNM-based records up to level 4 and DSM-based records up to level 2 have a high accuracy in assessment of seismic behavior of embankment dams. The periods corresponding to the maximum values of acceleration spectra and the frequencies corresponding to the maximum values of Fourier amplitude spectra of embankment dam crest under main and decomposed records are in good agreement. The results demonstrate that the main earthquake records can be replaced by wavelet-based decomposed records in seismic analysis of embankment dams.

Key Words
embankment dam; earthquake; seismic response; wavelet; numerical modeling

Fatemeh Nasiri, Hamed Javdanian and Ali Heidari: Department of Civil Engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

Rheological processes in the rock mass for the stress-strain analysis are quite important when considering the construction of underground structures in soft rock masses, particularly in case of construction in several stages. In the analysis, it can be assumed that the reinforced concrete structure is slightly deformable in relation to the rock mass, and the rheological stress redistribution happens at the expense of the elements of rock mass. The basic elements of rheological models for certain types of rock mass and analysis of these models are presented in the first part of this paper. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of rheological processes in marl rock mass and the influence of these processes on the reinforced-concrete tunnel structure.

Key Words
rock mass; rheological models; tunnel construction; rheological processes

Dragan C. Lukic and Igor M. Jokanovic: Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, University of Novi Sad, Subotica 24000, Kozaračka 2a, Serbia

Elefterija M. Zlatanovic: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Niš 18000, A. Medvedeva 14, Serbia

Strength anisotropy is a typical feature of thin-bedded rock masses and their strength will be degraded subjected to water immersion effect. Such effect is crucial for the operation of hydropower plant because the impoundment lifts the water level of upstream reservoir and causes the rock mass of nearby slopes saturated. So far, researches regarding mechanical property of natural thin-bedded rock masses and their strength variation under water immersion based on field test method are rarely reported. This paper focuses on a thin-bedded stratified rock mass and carries out field test to investigate the mechanical property and strength variation characteristics. The field test is highlighted by samples which have a large shear dimension of 0.5 m*0.5 m, representing a more realistic in-situ situation than small size specimen. The test results confirm the anisotropic nature of the concerned rock mass, whose shear strength of host rocks is significantly larger than that of bedding planes. Further, the comparison of shear strength parameters of the thin-bedded rock mass under natural and saturated conditions show that for both host rocks and bedding planes, the decreasing extent of cohesion values are larger than friction values. The quantitative results are then adopted to analyze the influence of reservoir impoundment of a hydropower plant on the surrounding rock mass stability of diversion tunnels which are located in the nearby slope bank. It is evaluated that after reservoir impoundment, the strength degradation induced incremental deformations of surrounding rock mass of diversion tunnels are small and the stresses in lining structure are acceptable. It is therefore concluded that the influences of impoundment are small and the stability of diversion tunnels can be still achieved. The finings regarding field test method and its results, as well as the numerical evaluation conclusions are hoped to provide references for rock projects with similar concerns.

Key Words
thin-bedded rock mass; water immersion; field test; strength anisotropy; mechanical property degradation

Yuting Zhang, Xiuli Ding, Shuling Huang, Yongjin Wu and Jun He: Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of the Ministry of Water Resources, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan, Hubei, China

In the seismic design of bridges, formation of plastic hinges plays an important role in the dissipation of seismic energy. In the case of conventional fixed-base bridges, the plastic hinges are allowed to form in the superstructure alone. During seismic event, such bridges may be safe from collapse but the superstructure undergoes significant plastic deformations. As an alternative design approach, the plastic hinges are guided to form in the soil thereby utilizing the inevitable yielding of the soil. Rocking foundations work on this concept. The formation of plastic hinges in the soil reduces the load and displacement demands on the superstructure. This study aims at evaluating the seismic response of bridge pier supported on rocking shallow foundation. For this purpose, a BNWF model is implemented in OpenSees platform. The capability of the BNWF model to capture the SSI effects, nonlinear behavior and dynamic loading response are validated using the centrifuge and shake table test results. A comparative study is performed between the seismic response of the bridge pier supported on the rocking shallow foundation and conventional fixed-base foundation. Results of the study have established the beneficial effects of using the rocking shallow foundation for the seismic response analysis of the bridge piers.

Key Words
bridge pier; shallow foundation; fixed-base foundation; rocking shallow foundation; BNWF model; soil-structure interaction; OpenSees

Deviprasad B. S. and Dodagoudar G. R.: Geotechnical Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600036, India

In this article, the generalized thermoelastic theory with fractional derivative is presented to estimate the variation of temperature, the components of stress, the components of displacement and the changes in volume fraction field in two-dimensional porous media. Easily, the exact solutions in the Laplace domain are obtained. By using Laplace and Fourier transformations with the eigenvalues method, the physical quantities are obtained analytically. The numerical results for all the physical quantities considered are implemented and presented graphically. The results display that the present model with the fractional derivative is reduced to the Lord and Shulman (LS) and the classical dynamical coupled (CT) theories when the fractional parameter is equivalent to one and the delay time is equal to zero and respectively.

Key Words
fractional derivative; Laplace-Fourier transforms; porous medium; eigenvalues approach

Aatef D. Hobiny: Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics Research Group (NAAM), Department of Mathematics,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Ibrahim A. Abbas: 1.) Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics Research Group (NAAM), Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2.) Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

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