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Volume 13, Number 3, September 2022

In this paper, a novel model is developed for frequency behavior of single walled carbon nanotubes. The governing equation of motion is constructed method based on the Sander theory using Rayleigh-Ritz's method The frequencies enhances on increasing the power law index using simply supported, clamped and clamped free end conditions. The frequency curve for C-F is less than other conditions. It is due to the physical constraints which are applied on the edge of the CNT. It is observed that the C-F boundary condition have less frequencies from the other two conditions. The frequency phenomena for zigzag are insignificant throughout the aspect ratio. Moreover when index of power law is increased then frequencies increases for all boundary conditions. The natural frequency mechanism for the armchair (10, 10) for various values of power law index with different boundary conditions is investigated. Here frequencies decrease on increases the aspect ratio for all boundary conditions. The frequency curves of SS-SS edge condition is composed between the C-C and C-F conditions. The curves of frequency are less significant from small aspect ratio (L/d = 4.86 ~ 8.47) and decreases fast for greater ratios. It is found that the frequencies via aspect ratios, armchair (10, 10) have higher values from zigzag (10, 0). It is due to the material structure which is made by the carbon nanotubes. The power law index have momentous effect on the vibration of single walled carbon nanotubes. The present frequency result is also compared numerically experimentally with Raman Spectroscopy.

Key Words
clamped-free; fraction law; natural frequency; Rayleigh-Ritz's method

Essam Mohammed Banoqitah, Emad Ghandourah and Ahmad Yahya: Nuclear Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah P.O.Box 80204, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia

Muzamal Hussain: Department of Mathematics, Govt. College University Faisalabad, 38000, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Mohamed A. Khadimallah: Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, College of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, BP 655, Al-Kharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia

Muhammad Basha: Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah P.O.Box 80204, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia

Adil Alshoaibi: Department of Physics, College of Science, King Faisal University, Al-Hassa, P.O Box, Hofuf,31982, Saudi Arabia

This study investigates the geometrical impact on the nanomedicine drug delivery via nanodevices. A nanomotor made of the nanotube carrying the drug as the motor blade is considered in the blood flow. Physical activities change the blood flow, and sports training enhances the blood flow and plays a significant role in the stability of drug delivery devices. This paper studies the impact of geometrical parameters on the nanomotors carrying the nanomedicine. The effect of physical exercise on the dynamic response regarding the stability of drug delivery devices is discussed in detail.

Key Words
drug delivery; dynamic analysis; geometric impact; sport effect

Lemei Zhu, Xuemin Zou, Xi Li, Yuan Zhang, Juan Liu and Yuhan Xiang: Hunan Key Laboratory of the Research and Development of Novel Pharmaceutical Preparations, Changsha 410219, Hunan, China/ Academician Workstation, Changsha Medical University, Changsha 410219, Hunan, China/ School of Public Health, Changsha Medical University, Changsha 410219, Hunan, China

Resently, the use of smart structures has been heightened up rapidly. For this issue, vibration analysis related to a graphene nanoplatelet composite (GPLRC) nanodisk which is attached to a piezoelectric layer and is subjected to thermal loads is explored in the current paper. The formulation of this study is obtained through the energy method and nonlocal strain gradient theory, and then it is solved employing generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM). Halpin-Tsai model in addition to the mixture's rule are utilized to capture the material properties related to the reinforced composite layer. The compatibility conditions are presented for exhibiting the perfect bounding between two layers. The results of this study are validated by employing the other published articles. The impact of such parameters as external voltage, the radius ratio, temperature difference, and nonlocality on the vibrational frequency of the system is investigated in detail.

Key Words
compatibility equations; frequency response; GDQM; GPLRC; nanodisk; piezoelectric layer; thermal envirionment

Jie Gao, Yongyi Feng, Jiawei Luo and Siyu Li: College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Huna Institute of Applied Technology, Changde 415000, Hunan, China

Rong Nie: College of Information Engineering, Hunan Institute of Applied Technology, Changde 415000, Hunan, China

Extraordinary properties of nanocomposites make them a primary replacement for many conventional materials. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, which is a frequent surgery in sport activities, is one of the fields in which nanocomposites could be utilized. In the present study, the mechanical properties of different porous scaffolds made from graphene nano-composites are presented ad load bearing capacity of these materials is calculated using finite element method. The numerical results are further compared with experimental published data. In addition, several geometrical and material parameters are analyzed to find the best configuration of nanocomposite scaffolds in reconstruction of ACL. Moreover, coating of detoxification chemicals are extremely easier on the nano-structured materials than conventional one. Detoxification potential of nano-composites in the injured body are also discussed in detail. The results indicated that nano-composite could be successfully used in place of auto- and allografts and also instead of conventional metallic screws in reconstruction of ACL.

Key Words
artificial intelligence; cancer; ligament injury; nanoparticles; pediatric patients

Chunxia Lu and Weixin Dong: College of Physical Education, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, Hunan, China

GAng Lu and Xia Liu: Shandong Zhanhua NO.2 Middle School, Binzhou 256800, Shandong, China

Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides/nitrides or "MXenes" belong to a diverse-class of layered compounds, which offer composition- and electric-field-tunable electrical and physical properties. Although the majority of the MXenes, including Ti3C2Tx, are metallic, they typically show semiconductor-like behaviour in their percolated thin-film structure; this is also the most common structure used for fundamental studies and prototype device development of MXene. Magnetoconductance studies of thin-film MXenes are central to understanding their electronic transport properties and charge carrier dynamics, and also to evaluate their potential for spin-tronics and magnetoelectronics. Since MXenes are produced through solution processing, it is desirable to develop deposition strategies such as inkjet-printing to enable scale-up production with intricate structures/networks. Here, we systematically investigate the extrinsic negative magnetoconductance of inkjet-printed Ti3C2Tx MXene thin-films and report a crossover from weak anti-localization (WAL) to weak localization (WL) near 2.5 K. The crossover from WAL to WL is consistent with strong, extrinsic, spin-orbit coupling, a key property for active control of spin currents in spin-orbitronic devices. From WAL/WL magnetoconductance analysis, we estimate that the printed MXene thin-film has a spin orbit coupling field of up to 0.84 T at 1.9 K. Our results and analyses offer a deeper understanding into microscopic charge carrier transport in Ti3C2Tx, revealing promising properties for printed, flexible, electronic and spin-orbitronic device applications.

Key Words
inkjet printing; magneto-conductance; MXenes; Ti3C2Tx network; weak anti-localization (WAL); weak localization (WL)

Mi-Jin Jin: Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FS, United Kingdom/ Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea

Doo-Seung Um: Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FA, United Kingdom/ Department of Electrical Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea

Osarenkhoe Ogbeide: Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FA, United Kingdom

Chang-Il Kim: School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea

Jung-Woo Yoo: Materials Science and Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea

J. W. A. Robinson: Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FS, United Kingdom

Nanomachines can be pretty helpful in curing diseases. Nanomototors, thanks to their self-propelled feature, are one of the best structures to be utilized as drug delivery devices. These devices have been employed in biomedical application as they can improve the efficiency of drug delivery. In this study stability of a designed nanomotor in the bloodstream is investigated when the physical activities have been done considering the physical activities. Sports training, as well as exercise enhance the bloodstream, and this factor can significantly impact the drug-delivery quality. The mathematical simulation of nanomotor movement in the condition of the sports is done based on the mechanical sciences, and the impact of various essential parameters is discussed in detail.

Key Words
drug-delivery; dynamic stability; physical activities; sport training

Bo Zhang: Department of Physical Education and Teaching, Hebei Finance University, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China

Hao Jin: Department of Sports Work, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China

Xiaojing Duan: Department of Functional Ultrasound, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China

Creation of plastic deformation under seismic loads, is one of the most serious subjects in RC structures with steel bars which reduces the life threatening risks and increases dissipation of energy. Shape memory alloy (SMA) is one of the best choice for the relocating plastic hinges. In a challenge to study the seismic response of concrete moment resisting frame (MRF), this article investigates numerically a new type of concrete frames with nano fiber reinforced polymer (NFRP) and shape memory alloy (SMA) hinges, simultaneously. The NFRP layer is containing carbon nanofibers with agglomeration based on Mori-Tanaka model. The tangential shear deformation (TASDT) is applied for modelling of the structure and the continuity boundary conditions are used for coupling of the motion equations. In SMA connections between beam and columns, since there is phase transformation, hence, the motion equations of the structure are coupled with kinetic equations of phase transformation. The Hernandez-Lagoudas theory is applied for demonstrating of pseudoelastic characteristics of SMA. The corresponding motion equations are solved by differential cubature (DC) and Newmark methods in order to obtain the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and residual drift ratio for MRF-2%. The main impact of this paper is to present the influences of the volume percent and agglomeration of nanofibers, thickness and length of the concrete frame, SMA material and NFRP layer on the PGA and drift ratio. The numerical results revealed that the with increasing the volume percent of nanofibers, the PGA is enhanced and the residual drift ratio is reduced. It is also worth to mention that PGA of concrete frame with NFRP layer containing 2% nanofibers is approximately equal to the concrete frame with steel bars.

Key Words
concrete frame; drift ratio; seismic response; shape memory alloys; NFRP layer

Mohamad Motalebi Varkani and Hamid Mazaheri: Department of Civil Engineering, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran

Mahmood Rabani Bidgoli: Department of Civil Engineering, Jasb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jasb, Iran

Coughing and breath shortness are common symptoms of nano (small) cell lung cancer. Smoking is main factor in causing such cancers. The cancer cells form on the soft tissues of lung. Deformation behavior and wave vibration of lung affected when cancer cells exist. Therefore, in the current work, phase velocity behavior of the small cell lung cancer as a main part of the body via an exact size-dependent theory is presented. Regarding this problem, displacement fields of small cell lung cancer are obtained using first-order shear deformation theory with five parameters. Besides, the size-dependent small cell lung cancer is modeled via nonlocal stress/strain gradient theory (NSGT). An analytical method is applied for solving the governing equations of the small cell lung cancer structure. The novelty of the current study is the consideration of the five-parameter of displacement for curved panel, and porosity as well as NSGT are employed and solved using the analytical method. For more verification, the outcomes of this reports are compared with the predictions of deep neural network (DNN) with adaptive optimization method. A thorough parametric investigation is conducted on the effect of NSGT parameters, porosity and geometry on the phase velocity behavior of the small cell lung cancer structure.

Key Words
deep neural network; nano cell lung cancer structure; NSGT; Porosity; wave propagation

Lumin Xing: The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital, Jinan, Shandong, 250014, China/ City University of Macau, Macau, 999078, China

Wenjian Liu: City University of Macau, Macau, 999078, China

Xin Li: Shandong University of Political Science and Law, Jinan, Shandong, 250014, China

Han Wang: Zhuhai Institute of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhuhai, Guangdong, 519000, China

Zhiming Jiang: The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital, Jinan, Shandong, 250014, China

Lingling Wang: Shandong Academy of Chinese Medicine, Jinan, 250014, Shandong, China

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