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Volume 9, Number 3, July 2024

In this paper, the evaluation of the elastic lateral stiffness factor (ELSF) of steel frames for different lateral load-resisting systems (LLRSs) is presented. First, 720 steel structural frame models have been analyzed and designed using the equivalent lateral force method. Then by using pushover analysis method, all models have been analyzed, compared and evaluated. Finally, the effects of a number of influenced parameters such as different types of LLRSs, span length, number of stories, number of spans as well as story height of the buildings on the lateral stiffness are assessed and by applying regression analysis some useful equations were submitted. Based on the results obtained for steel frames having different LLRSs, compared to ordinary moment-resisting frames (OMRFs) as a base (having ELSF of 1), the normalized average ELSFs of K-eccentrically braced-frames (K-EBFs), V-, Z-, inverted V-, X-braced-frames, shear walls with thickness of 25 cm (SW25) and shear walls with thickness of 30 cm (SW30) are about 2.2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 95, 155, respectively. Among the braced-frames, X-braced-frames have the maximum ELSF, about 10 times more than OMRF, while OMRFs provide the minimum ELSFs among all LLRSs, and the frames supported by shear walls have ELSFs about 100 to 150 times more than OMRFs.

Key Words
bracing; lateral load-resisting systems; lateral stiffness; pushover analysis; shear wall

Kabir Sadeghi and Fatemeh Nouban: Civil Engineering Department, Near East University, Near East Boulevard, ZIP: 99138, Nicosia, North Cyprus, via Mersin 10 – Turkey

Krekar Kadir Nabi: Civil Engineering Department, Ishik University, Filkey Baz Square, 44001, Erbil, KRG/Iraq

Implementing isogeometric methodology in micromechanical analysis of composite materials has been recently investigated in some research studies. These research studies are based on multi-patch modeling which requires coupling constraints among the NURBS patches, and the domain decomposition effort in model preparation stage. This approach has been employed for small representative volume elements (RVE). However, small RVE neglects some characteristics of microstructure and larger one increases the number of required NURBS patches in multi-patch framework. As a step forward, this research presents a framework which simulates the RVE using a single NURBS patch. the presented framework has been used to include the effects of fiber distribution and porosities in simulated RVEs. In this regard, heterogeneity and 2D/3D voids within RVE are modeled only by inserting knots and modifying the control points. In addition to beneficial advantages of isogeometric methodology for RVE-based models, this framework simplifies isogeometric modeling of more complicated RVEs by eliminating the domain decomposition stage and avoiding coupling constraints between non-matching patches. The performance of the presented model has been verified by performing micromechanical damage analysis on several generated RVEs of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites, in which matrix and fiber/matrix interfaces experience damage. The predicted damage evolutions under different loading conditions are in excellent agreement with prior experimental and numerical studies that demonstrate the veracity of the presented model.

Key Words
damage analysis; fiber-reinforced composites; isogeometric analysis; micromechanics; porosity

Ali Hosseinzadeh, Mohammad Reza Forouzan and Mehdi Karevan: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran

WiFi sensing integration enables non-intrusive and is utilized in applications like Human Activity Recognition (HAR) to leverage Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems and Channel State Information (CSI) data for accurate signal monitoring in different fields, such as smart environments. The complexity of extracting relevant features from CSI data poses computational bottlenecks, hindering real-time recognition and limiting deployment on resource-constrained devices. The existing methods sacrifice accuracy for computational efficiency or vice versa, compromising the reliability of activity recognition within pervasive environments. The lightweight Compact Convolutional Transformer (CCT) algorithm proposed in this work offers a solution by streamlining the process of leveraging CSI data for activity recognition in such complex data. By leveraging the strengths of both CNNs and transformer models, the CCT algorithm achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on various benchmarks, emphasizing its excellence over traditional algorithms. The model matches convolutional networks' computational efficiency with transformers' modeling capabilities. The evaluation process of the proposed model utilizes self-collected dataset for CSI WiFi signals with few daily activities. The results demonstrate the improvement achieved by using CCT in real-time activity recognition, as well as the ability to operate on devices and networks with limited computational resources.

Key Words
activity recognition; channel state information; compact convolutional transformer; WiFi sensing

Fahd Saad Abuhoureyah and Yan Chiew Wong: Centre for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI) Fakulti Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Elektronik dan. Komputer (FTKEK), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia

Malik Hasan Al-Taweel: Centre for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI) Fakulti Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Elektronik dan. Komputer (FTKEK), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia/ Department of Communications Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Baqubah, Diyala, Iraq

Nihad Ibrahim Abdullah: Computer Science, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, KRG Iraq

In this study, a framework for coupling of the convolution quadrature time-domain boundary element method (CQBEM) and image-based finite element method (IMFEM) is presented for 2-D elastic wave propagation. This coupling method has three advantages: 1) the finite element modeling for heterogeneous areas can be performed without difficulties by using digital data for the analysis model, 2) wave propagation in an infinite domain can be calculated with high accuracy by using the CQBEM, and 3) a small time-step size can be used. In general, a small time-step size cannot be used in the classical time-domain boundary element method. However, the CQBEM used in this analysis can address a small time-step size. This makes it possible to couple the CQBEM and image-based FEM which require a small-time step size. In this study, the formulation and validation of the pro-posed method are described and confirmed by solving fundamental elastic wave scattering problems. As a numerical example, elastic wave scattering in inhomogeneous media is demonstrated using the proposed coupling method.

Key Words
convolution quadrature method; convolution quadrature time-domain boundary element method (CQBEM); finite element method (FEM); image-based modeling; 2-D elastodynamics

Takahiro Saitoh and Satoshi Toyoda: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gunma University, 1-5-1, Tenjin, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan

This paper presents a finite element based explicit coupling method. The derived method is proposed to solve a certain type of fluid-structure interaction problem, which is the motion of a single or flexible fiber with the motion induced by the low-Reynolds-number fluid. The particle motion is treated as a non-linear geometric dynamic problem. The Total-lagrangian finite element method is applied to describe and discretize the particle domain. The Bathe method is used to integrate the time domain. The Stokes equation is used as the governing equation of the fluid domain. The inertia term of the Stokes equation is ignored, and Reynolds number flow is assumed as zero. Since the time term is also canceled, we solve it as a quasi-static problem. Mixed finite element is to solve the fluid equation. An explicit strategy is implemented to couple the particle and the zero-Reynolds number flow. Simulations with the proposed method are presented, including the motion of single and double rigid particle immersed in the double Couette flow and the Poiseuille flow. Simulation of single flexible fiber immersed in a Poiseuille flow is also presented. Effect of particle's density, aspect ratio, and geometry are discussed.

Key Words
finite element method; fluid-structure interaction; non-linear geometric solid; Stokes equation

Diwei Zhang, Xiaobo Peng and Dongdong Zhang: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Roy G. Perry College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, 700 University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446, U.S.A.

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