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Volume 13, Number 6, November 2010

When designing structures to the wind action, the variation of the mean wind velocity and turbulence parameters with the height above the ground must be taken into account. This paper presents the numerical simulation results of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) airflows, in a numerical domain with no obstacles and with a cubic building. The results of the flow characterization, obtained with the FLUENT CFD code were performed using the k turbulence model with the MMK modification. The mean velocity and turbulence intensity profiles in the inflow boundary were defined in accordance with the Eurocode 1.4, for different conditions of aerodynamic roughness. The maintenance of the velocity and turbulence characteristics along the domain were evaluated in an empty domain for uniform incident flow and the ABL Eurocode velocity profiles. The pressure coefficients on a cubic building were calculated using these inflow conditions.

Key Words
atmospheric boundary layer; wind action on buildings; CFD simulations; Eurocode 1.4.

M.F.P. Lopes and J.M. Paixao Conde: IDMEC, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
M. Gloria Gomes and J.G. Ferreira: DECivil/ICIST, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Advances in structural materials and construction methods have resulted in flexible and light tall buildings, making an assessment of structural safety during strong wind and serviceability/habitability during comparable medium/weak wind important design criteria. So far, lots of studies on suppressing the wind-induced responses have been carried out for tall buildings with aerodynamic modification. Most of the studies on aerodynamic modification have forced on the corner modification, while the studies on taper and set-back are limited. Changes of sectional shape through taper and set-back can modify the flow pattern around the models, encouraging more 3-dimensionalities, which results in reducing the windinduced excitations. This paper discusses the characteristics of overturning moments and wind-induced responses of the tall buildings with height variations. The reduction of mean along-wind and fluctuating across-wind overturning moments are apparent in the uburban area than in urban area. A series of the response analyses, the rms displacement responses of the tall buildings with height variations are reduced greatly, while the rms acceleration responses are not necessarily reduced, showing dependences on wind direction.

Key Words
aerodynamic modification; overturning moments; power spectra; wind-induced response; response ratio.

Yongchul Kim: Wind Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Polytechnic University, 1583 Iiyama, Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, 243-0297, Japan
Jun Kanda: Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, 277-8563, Japan

A meteorological model, RAMS, and a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, FLUENT are combined as a one-way off-line nested modeling system, namely, RAMS/FLUENT system. The system is experimentally applied in the wind simulation over a complex terrain, with which numerical simulations of wind field over Foyeding weather station located in the northwest mountainous area of Beijing metropolis are performed. The results show that the method of combining a meteorological model and a CFD model as a modeling system is reasonable. In RAMS/FLUENT system, more realistic boundary conditions are provided for FLUENT rather than idealized vertical wind profiles, and the finite volume method (FVM) of FLUENT ensures the capability of the modeling system on describing complex terrain in the simulation. Thus, RAMS/FLUENT can provide fine-scale realistic wind data over complex terrains.

Key Words
RAMS/FLUENT system; wind; numerical simulation; complex terrain.

Lei Li and Li-Jie Zhang: Shenzhen National Climate Observatory, Shenzhen Meteorological Bureau, Shenzhen, 518040, China
Ning Zhang: School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China
Fei Hu: State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
Yin Jiang: Shenzhen National Climate Observatory, Shenzhen Meteorological Bureau, Shenzhen, 518040, China
Chun-Yi Xuan: Beijing Municipal Climate Center, Beijing Meteorological Bureau, Beijing, 100089, China
Wei-Mei Jiang: School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China

This paper investigates the correlation of wind characteristics monitored on a cable-stayed bridge. Total five anemoscopes are implemented into the bridge. Two out of 5 anemoscopes in inflow and two out of 5 anemoscopes in wake-flow along the longitudinal direction of the bridge are installed. Four anemoscopes are respectively distributed at two cross-sections. Another anemoscope is installed at the top of the tower. The correlation of mean wind speed and direction, power spectral density, the turbulent intensity and integral length of wind in flow at two cross-sections are investigated. In addition, considering the non-stationary characteristics of wind, the spatial correlation in time-frequency is analyzed using wavelet transform and different phenomenon from those obtained through FFT is observed. The time-frequency analysis further indicates that intermittence, coherence structures and self-similar structures are distinctly observed from fluctuant wind. The flow characteristics around the bridge deck at two positions are also investigated using the field measurement. The results indicate that the mean wind speed decrease when the flow passing through the deck, but the turbulence intensity become much larger and the turbulence integral lengths become much smaller compared with those of inflow. The relationship of RMS (root mean square) of wake-flow and the mean wind speed of inflow is approximately linear. The special structures of wake-flow in time-frequency domain are also analyzed using wavelet transform, which aids to reveal the forming process of wake-flow.

Key Words
field measurement; spatial correlation; time-frequency characteristics; flow characteristics.

Hui Li and Shujin Laima: School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150090, China
Na Li: CCCC Highway Consultants CO., LTD, Beijing, 100088, China
Jinping Ou and Zhondong Duan: School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150090, China

A new inflow turbulence generation method and a combined dynamic SGS model recently developed by the authors were applied to evaluate the wind effects on 508 m high Taipei 101 Tower. Unlike the majority of the past studies on large eddy simulation (LES) of wind effects on tall buildings, the present numerical simulations were conducted for the full-scale tall building with Reynolds number greater than 108. The inflow turbulent flow field was generated based on the new method called discretizing and synthesizing of random flow generation technique (DSRFG) with a prominent feature that the generated wind velocity fluctuations satisfy any target spectrum and target profiles of turbulence intensity and turbulence integral length scale. The new dynamic SGS model takes both advantages of oneequation SGS model and a dynamic production term without test-filtering operation, which is particular suitable to relative coarse grid situations and high Reynolds number flows. The results of comparative investigations with and without generation of inflow turbulence show that: (1) proper simulation of an inflow turbulent field is essential in accurate evaluation of dynamic wind loads on a tall building and the prescribed inflow turbulence characteristics can be adequately imposed on the inflow boundary by the DSRFG method; (2) the DSRFG can generate a large number of random vortex-like patterns in oncoming flow, leading to good agreements of both mean and dynamic forces with wind tunnel test results; (3) The dynamic mechanism of the adopted SGS model behaves adequately in the present LES and its integration with the DSRFG technique can provide satisfactory predictions of the wind effects on the super-tall building.

Key Words
large eddy simulation; subgrid scale model; inflow turbulence generation; computational fluid dynamics; tall building; wind effect; wind tunnel test; typhoon.

Shenghong Huang: School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, P.R. China
Q.S. Li: Department of Building and Construction, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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