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Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010

In light-frame wood construction, missing roof-sheathing fasteners can be a relatively common occurrence. This type of construction makes up the vast majority of the residential building stock in North America and thus their performance in high winds, including hurricanes, is of concern due to their sheer number. Construction quality issues are common in these types of structures primarily because the majority are conventionally constructed and unlike steel and reinforced concrete structures, inspection is minimal except in certain areas of the country. The concept of performance-based wind engineering (PBWE), a relatively new paradigm, relies on the assumption that building performance under wind loads can be accurately modeled. However, the discrepancy between what is designed (and modeled) and what is built (the as-built) may make application of PBWE to light-frame wood buildings quite difficult. It can be concluded from this study that construction quality must be controlled for realistic application of PBWE to light-frame wood buildings.

Key Words
performance-based design; light-frame wood buildings; sheathing fastener; wind engineering.

John W. van de Lindt and Thang Nguyen Dao: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Campus Delivery 1372, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372, USA

The aeroelastic stability of bridge decks equipped with multiple tuned mass dampers is studied. The problem is attacked in the time domain, by representing self-excited loads with the aid of aerodynamic indicial functions approximated by truncated series of exponential filters. This approach allows to reduce the aeroelastic stability analysis in the form of a direct eigenvalue problem, by introducing an additional state variable for each exponential term adopted in the approximation of indicial functions. A general probabilistic framework for the optimal robust design of multiple tuned mass dampers is proposed, in which all possible sources of uncertainties can be accounted for. For the purposes of this study, the method is also simplified in a form which requires a lower computational effort and it is then applied to a general case study in order to analyze the control effectiveness of regular and irregular multiple tuned mass dampers. A special care is devoted to mistuning effects caused by random variations of the target frequency. Regular multiple tuned mass dampers are seen to improve both control effectiveness and robustness with respect to single tuned mass dampers. However, those devices exhibit an asymmetric behavior with respect to frequency mistuning, which may weaken their feasibility for technical applications. In order to overcome this drawback, an irregular multiple tuned mass damper is conceived which is based on unequal mass distribution. The optimal design of this device is finally pursued via a full domain search, which evidences a remarkable robustness against frequency mistuning, in the sense of the simplified design approach.

Key Words
deck flutter; indicial functions; Hopf bifurcation; multiple tuned mass dampers; frequency mistuning; robust control.

Filippo Ubertini; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Via G. Duranti 93, 06125 Perugia, Italy

The aerodynamic and aero-elastic model tests of the China highest cooling tower has been carried out in the TJ-3 Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel of Tongji University. By adopting a scanivalve system, the external wind pressure is firstly measured on 12 36 taps for a single tower, two and four grouped towers under the condition of both smooth flow and the boundary layer due to surrounding geographic and building topography. The measurements of internal wind pressure distribution of 6 36 taps are taken for a single tower under the various ventilation ratios ranging from 0% to 100% of stuffing layers located at the bottom of the tower. In the last stage, the wind tunnel tests with an aero-elastic model are carefully conducted to determine wind-induced displacements at six levels (each with eight points) with laser displacement sensors. According to the measurement results of wind pressure or vibration response, the extreme aerodynamic loading values of the single or grouped towers are accordingly analyzed based on probability correlation technique.

Key Words
cooling tower; tower group effect; wind-vibration factor; probability correlation.

L. Zhao and Y.J. Ge; State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to investigate the wind characteristics in the mountainous valley terrain with 4 simplified valley models and a 1:500 scale model of an existing valley terrain in the simulated atmospheric neutral boundary layer model. Measurements were focused on the mean wind flow and longitudinal turbulence intensity. The relationship between hillside slopes and the velocity speed-up effect were studied. By comparing the preliminary results obtained from the simplified valley model tests and the existing terrain model test, some fundamental information was obtained. The measured results indicate that it is inappropriate to describe the mean wind velocity profiles by a power law using the same roughness exponent along the span wise direction in the mountainous valley terrain. The speed-up effect and the significant change in wind direction of the mean flow were observed, which provide the information necessary for determining the design wind speed such as for a long-span bridge across the valley. The longitudinal turbulence intensity near the ground level is reduced due to the speed-up effect of the valley terrain. However, the local topographic features of a more complicated valley terrain may cause significant perturbation to the general wind field characteristics in the valley.

Key Words
mountainous valley terrain; wind tunnel test; speed-up effect.

C.G. Li, Z.Q. Chen and Z.T. Zhang; Research Centre of Wind Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, P.R. China
J.C.K. Cheung; School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia

This paper describes a new method for the estimation of six complex aerodynamic admittance functions. The aerodynamic admittance functions relate buffeting forces to the incoming wind turbulent components, of which the estimation accuracy affects the prediction accuracy of the buffeting response of long-span bridges. There should be two aerodynamic admittance functions corresponding to the longitudinal and vertical turbulent components, respectively, for each gust buffeting force. Therefore, there are six aerodynamic admittance functions in all for the three buffeting forces. Sears function is a complex theoretical expression for the aerodynamic admittance function for a thin airfoil. Similarly, the aerodynamic admittance functions for a bridge deck should also be complex functions. This paper presents a separated frequency-by-frequency method for estimating the six complex aerodynamic admittance functions. A new experimental methodology using an active turbulence generator is developed to measure simultaneously all the six complex aerodynamic admittance functions. Wind tunnel tests of a thin plate model and a streamlined bridge section model are conducted in turbulent flow. The six complex aerodynamic admittance functions, determined by the developed methodology are compared with the Sears functions and Davenport formula.

Key Words
admittance functions; Sears function; thin plates; buffeting forces; long-span bridges.

Y. Han: Wind Engineering Research Center, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, Hunan, P. R. China; School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410076, Hunan, P. R. China
Z.Q. Chen and X.G. Hua: Wind Engineering Research Center, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, Hunan, P. R. China

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